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Texas CE Requirements

Continuing Education requirements for Texas Real Estate Agents

In Texas, real estate license holders are required to renew their license every two years. The Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC) oversees the license renewal process and sets the requirements for license holders to stay active and compliant.

To renew their license, Texas real estate license holders must complete a specified number of continuing education (CE) courses.

18 Hours of Approved CE Courses:

  • 8 Hours of TREC legal update I and II
  • 3 Hours of contract related course work
  • 7 Hours of elective CE

It is important for Texas real estate license holders to renew their license on time. If the license is not renewed within six months of the expiration date, the license becomes inactive and the holder must complete additional CE courses and pay a late fee to reactivate it.
Overall, Texas real estate license renewal requires license holders to stay up-to-date with state and industry regulations and requirements, while also investing in their professional development through continuing education.

About ARTI® Academics

ARTI® Academics is the Highest-Rated Real Estate School in Utah, Nevada, and Texas, and is 100% Free.  The school offers both Pre-Licensing and Continuing Education courses in an online video format to enhance your knowledge and build your real estate skills.

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Certificate of Completion: Not In My Inbox

Can't Find Your Certificate of Completion?

Upon completion of any certificate or course, you should receive an email with a certificate of completion. If you do not see an email in your inbox, please do the following:

  1. Make sure you have completed test prep *If you haven’t completed test prep you will not be able to receive your certificate until then.
  2. Check your spam/junk folder
  3. Resend the email by following the steps below.

How to Resend your Certificate

Mobile App

After signing in, click on the menu in the top right corner and select “Completed Classes.” Then choose the class you would like to receive a certificate for and click the button “Email Me My Certificate” at the bottom of the page. A new email will be sent to the email on file.


After signing in, click on the ARTI logo in the top right corner, select “Account” then choose the class you would like to receive a certificate for, and click the button “View Certificate.” Your certificate should then download to your computer.

About ARTI® Academics

ARTI® Academics is the Highest-Rated Real Estate School in Utah and Nevada, and is 100% Free.  The school offers both Pre-Licensing and Continuing Education courses in an online video format to enhance your knowledge and build your real estate skills.

Test prep for real estate license exam in Utah

Best Online Real Estate School

What Makes the Best Online Real Estate School

Online education has increased in popularity in recent years, as it offers students a flexible and convenient way to learn. And who doesn’t want more flexibility and convenience in their lives? Real estate is a high-demand career field and is luckily one subject that is particularly well-suited to online learning. So, if you’re an aspiring real estate agent thinking about taking an online real estate course, here are some factors you’ll want to consider to help you choose the best online real estate school for you!

10 Things to Look for In Online Real Estate Schools

  1. Accreditation

When choosing an online real estate school, it’s important to make sure that the school is accredited by the state. This means that the school has been evaluated by an external body and found to meet certain standards. Going through an accredited school is not only more likely to provide you with a high-quality education, but it is also the only way your real estate license application will be accepted by the state. So, this is a very important factor to consider when shopping for the best online real estate school for you.

  1. Course offerings

Another important factor to consider when choosing an online real estate school is the courses that are offered. Does it offer pre-licensing courses? Does the school offer the continuing education courses you’re interested in? Are the courses offered at a time that’s convenient for you? Make sure to check out the course offerings before you enroll in an online real estate school.

  1. Tuition and Affordability

Of course, you’ll also want to consider the cost of tuition when choosing an online real estate school. Make sure to compare tuition costs across different schools to find the most affordable option for you. You might be surprised to find out that Arti Academics offers quality real estate education completely free and online, but it’s true!

  1. Student support

When you’re taking an online course, it’s important to have access to student support. This could include things like live chat, email support, or even a forum where you can connect with other students. You’ll also want to investigate whether or not the school offers practice exams and test prep opportunities. Schools that offer these extra supports often have a higher real estate license exam pass rate. So, make sure to check out the student support options before you make your final decision.

  1. Reputation and Reviews

Additionally, you’ll want to consider the reputation of the online real estate school you’re considering. Do some research to see what other people are saying about the school. A good way to accomplish this is to read online reviews or even contact past students to hear their take on the real estate schools you’re looking at.

  1. Time Commitment

Depending on your schedule and availability, you may want to consider an online real estate school that offers self-paced courses. This way, you can complete the coursework at your own pace and on your own schedule. You may find that many online courses are starting to follow this new pattern. Be sure to consider the overall time commitment as well, including how long the course will take you from start to finish.

  1. Flexibility

Another factor to consider is the flexibility of the online real estate school you’re considering. Does the school offer courses that fit your schedule? Are there start dates throughout the year so you can enroll at a time that’s convenient for you? Will completing your licensing education through that school fit into your current lifestyle? These are all helpful questions to consider beforehand.

  1. Communication

When you’re taking an online course, communication is key. You’ll want to make sure that the online real estate school you’re considering offers ways for you to stay in touch with your instructors and fellow students. This could include things like email, chat, and video conferencing. You don’t want to be left in the dark.

  1. Convenience

Of course, you’ll also want to consider the convenience of the online real estate school you’re considering. Can you access the courses from anywhere? Are the courses offered at a time that’s convenient for you? Make sure to check out the school’s convenience factors before enrolling. On that note, Arti Academics offers a mobile app to help you do coursework and complete your classes on the go- talk about convenient!

  1. Technology

Finally, you’ll want to consider the technology of the online real estate school you’re considering. Does the school use up-to-date technology? Are the courses easy to use and navigate?

These are just a few important factors to consider when choosing an online real estate school. By taking the time to research your options, you can find the perfect school for you. With so many great online real estate schools to choose from, there’s no reason not to get started today.

Bonus tips

Here are a few bonus tips to keep in mind when choosing the best online real estate school for you:

– Check out the school’s website to see if it’s user-friendly and easy to navigate.

– Read the school’s student handbook so you’re aware of the policies and procedures.

– Make sure the school has a good refund policy. This way, if you’re not happy with the school, you can get your money back.

Is Online Real Estate Education for Me?

Now that you know what to look for in online real estate schools, you may be wondering if online real estate education is right for you. Here are a few things to think about:

Are you self-motivated?

When you’re taking an online course, you won’t have the in-person push of getting your classes done during a designated time slot. You’ll need to be motivated to set a schedule and do the work on your own.

Do you have good time-management skills?

An online course requires you to be organized and manage your time well. You’ll be 100% in charge of staying on top of everything for yourself!

Do you have computer and internet access?

As a basic requirement of taking classes online, you’ll need a computer and internet access before you can get started.

Are you comfortable learning new things on a computer?

You’ll need to be comfortable using a computer for an online real estate course, as well as possibly using new software and navigating new websites. It might be a big learning curve for some, so be prepared!

If you answered yes to all these questions, then online real estate education is probably a good fit for you. No one knows your learning style better than you do. If you’re comfortable with the idea of taking an online course, then go for it!

Enrolling In an Online Real Estate Course

Now that you know what to look for in online real estate schools and whether or not online education is right for you, it’s time to enroll in a course! Here’s how to get started:

  1. Research different online real estate schools and compare their offerings.
  2. Once you’ve found a school and are ready to commit, choose and enroll in the course of your choosing!
  3. Pay any fees and tuition required by the school- remember, Arti Academics is free of charge!
  4. Follow the instructions provided by the school and successfully complete the coursework.
  5. After you’ve completed the course, you should be prepared to take and pass the real estate exam in your state!

There you have it – a simplified list of steps to enroll in an online real estate course. It doesn’t have to be rocket science! In fact, getting started is so simple, that you could be a licensed real estate agent in no time!

The Bottom Line

Choosing an online real estate school can be a daunting task. But if you keep these factors in mind, you’ll be sure to find the best online real estate school for you! Whether you’re just getting started in the real estate industry or you’re a seasoned professional, taking online real estate courses can be a great way to learn. With a wide range of schools and courses to choose from, it’s important to do your research to find the right one for you. Then, once you’ve found the perfect school to fit your needs, you will be on your way to becoming a licensed real estate agent!

ARTI Academics logo on a line art computer screen with a blue background

Continuing Education - Nevada Real Estate License

Continuing Education (CE)- Nevada Real Estate License

If you’re a licensed real estate professional in Nevada, you’re required to complete continuing education (CE) in order to renew your real estate license. While continuing education can seem like a pain, it’s an important way to stay sharp and up to date on the latest industry changes.


There are a few key differences between real estate agents renewing their real estate license for the first time vs subsequent renewals. We’ll touch on some of the specifics of each one, as well as a few other key components of real estate continuing education.


First Time Sales Agent Renewal

Your original real estate license is valid for one year from the last day of the month that you got it, so don’t forget- it can come up quickly! If you’re renewing your Nevada real estate license for the first time, you’ll need to complete 30 hours post-licensing of modules A-O and then submit proof of completion to the Nevada Real Estate Division. The renewal application fee costs $195.

Subsequent Renewals

Subsequent renewals are good for two years. So, if you’re renewing your real estate license for the second time or more, you have one extra year before your license expiration date. With subsequent renewals, you’ll need to complete 36 hours of continuing education. Of those 36 hours, the requirements are as follows:

  • 3 hours Agency
  • 6 hours Contracts
  • 3 hours Ethics
  • 3 hours Law & Legislation
  • 3 hours Risk Reduction
  • 18 hours General Courses

A minimum of 18 hours must be taken through live instruction in order to be valid. The renewal fee is also $195.

CE Exemptions

There are a few different CE exemptions that are available for those who are renewing their real estate license.

First-time licensees that qualify under NAC 645.4442(2.)

If you qualify for an exemption from post-licensing education under NAC 645.4442(2.), which you can verify on the Nevada Real Estate Division website, you’re required to complete 36 hours of continuing education. Those 36 hours of CE are broken down as follows:

  • 3 hours Agency
  • 6 hours Contracts
  • 3 hours Ethics
  • 3 hours Law & Legislation
  • 3 hours Risk Reduction
  • 18 hours of General Courses


Subsequent licensees who are 65 years of age or older and have been licensed in the state of Nevada for at least 30 years.

If you fit this requirement, you can apply to complete a reduced number of continuing education credits. The credits must include:

  • 3 hours Agency
  • 3 hours Law & Legislation
  • 3 hours Contracts
  • 3 hours Ethics

A minimum of 50% of these hours must be completed through live instruction.


CE Topics

The Nevada Real Estate Division has a few different requirements for what topics can be covered in CE courses. Courses must maintain, improve, or expand the competency of licensees to perform their duties as licensed real estate professionals. This means that continuing education courses should focus on teaching new information, skills, or best practices rather than simply reviewing information that licensees should already know.


Some examples of topics that could be covered in real estate CE courses include but are not limited to:

  • Agency relationships
  • Appraisals
  • Ethics
  • Federal fair housing laws
  • Foreclosures
  • Fraud
  • Nevada real estate law updates
  • Probate
  • Property management
  • Real estate contracts
  • Short sales
  • Personal development


How to Complete CE

You can complete your continuing education credits through a mixture of online and in-person classes.


Online courses are a popular option for many licensees as they offer flexibility and convenience. There are a number of different providers that offer online CE courses. When choosing an online course, make sure that the provider is approved by the Nevada Real Estate Division and that the course you’re taking covers topics that are approved for CE credit.


In-person courses are another option for completing CE requirements. These courses are typically offered by local real estate associations or schools. When choosing an in-person course, similar to online courses, make sure that the provider is approved by the Nevada Real Estate Division and that the course you’re taking covers topics that are approved for CE credit.


Once you’ve completed your real estate CE requirements, you’ll need to submit proof of completion with your license renewal application to the Division. The certificate must be issued by the CE provider and must include your name, the name of the course, the date of completion, and the number of hours completed. The renewal requirements do vary slightly depending on your real estate profession- real estate salesperson, business broker permit holders, property management permit holders, and others- so keep that in mind as well.



Luckily, there are plenty of options for completing your CE requirements if you live in Las Vegas or anywhere in the state of Nevada. Arti Academics offers a variety of continuing education courses at no cost to you- we’d love to help you get started! Your time is valuable and although continuing education seems like just another requirement, it also offers a great deal of knowledge and resources. So, be sure to utilize it throughout your real estate career!

Utah Real Estate School Online

Real Estate Continuing Education - Utah

 If you’ve stepped into the real estate agent game, you’ve likely heard that you need to meet some requirements to keep your license current. This is true! Real estate agents are required to complete a fixed number of continuing education (CE) hours within a certain time period in order to maintain or renew their license. The requirements for license renewal may vary depending on the state in which you practice, so be sure to verify that wherever you are licensed.

In the state of Utah, it’s required for all licensed real estate professionals to complete 18 continuing education hours every two years. 9 of these 18 hours must be in approved CORE topics and 3 of the 9 hours must be spent completing a division approved mandatory course. If you are renewing your real estate license for the first time, it is required that you complete the 12-Hour New Agent Course as part of your 18 hours. To maintain your real estate license in an active state, you must meet the continuing education requirements before the 15th of your renewal month. If you choose not to do this, it’s possible to be hit with a late fee- so plan accordingly!

Why Do Real Estate Agents Need Continuing Education?

The purpose of this requirement is to ensure that real estate agents stay up-to-date on the latest industry trends and changes so that they can provide the best possible service to their clients. Similar to other growing and shifting business industries, it is important to be educated and current when working in the real estate industry. This helps make sure that no unnecessary bumps or mistakes are made along the way during real estate transactions. In the end, it’s the agent’s responsibility to complete continuing education courses that will benefit their clients and themselves.

Different Real Estate Education Courses Available

There are a variety of different continuing education courses to choose from- just don’t forget the required 3-hour division approved mandatory course or any other required classes (e.g. if it’s your first renewal). Other credit hours may cover topics such as residential real estate, commercial real estate, comparative market analysis (CMA), ethics and professional conduct, economics, property management, fair housing laws, short sales, risk management, and much more.

As mentioned above, the CE courses you choose to enroll in should be beneficial for both you and your clients. They should help you learn and grow as new agents or as a seasoned agent. The more foundational understanding you have, the better equipped you will be to help home buyers and other clients reach their real estate goals.

Where to Find Continuing Education Courses

Once you have a general idea of the type of courses that will work best for you, you can start finding them online. There are multiple companies and providers out there who offer different options, so you’re only limited by your choice of preference. However, not all educational opportunities are equal- depending on quality and price. Luckily, there are multiple companies that focus on real estate education and offer a variety of great options for agents at all levels.

Arti Academics offers a variety of free continuing education courses, so that could be a great place to begin. Another place to start for Utah real estate professionals is the Utah Department of Commerce Division of Real Estate website. Here you can find answers to any additional questions you may have, as well as search for available CE classes. The website allows you to search for courses in a certain category, online or in-person, and core topics vs. elective courses.

Cost of Continuing Education in Utah

In Utah, you can complete your continuing education requirements at an approved provider for an average cost of $10-20 per credit hour. However, this is not set in stone, and it is possible to find less expensive courses if you shop around. Some courses may even be offered for free. Since some courses may be offered for free in your state, while others cost money, it is up to you to do your research and decide which courses to enroll in.

Why You Should Enroll in Real Estate Continuing Education Courses

There are a number of reasons why you should enroll in continuing education real estate courses, so let’s take a look at some of them: It makes good business sense. When you stay current on the latest laws, trends, and practices in real estate, you can better serve your clients. This means more money and business for you! One of the biggest reasons is that it’s required by law if you want to maintain or renew a real estate license. Continuing education courses can also be a great way to connect and network with other professionals in the field. The relationships formed may help you grow your business down the line.


Becoming Successful Utah Real Estate Professionals

Completing these courses is an important part of being a successful real estate professional in Utah. It’s true that continuing education courses will help you better serve your future clients and grow as a professional, so choose wisely! However, now that you know just about everything there is to know in regard to the courses offered in the state of Utah, you can enroll in the courses that will help you succeed in real estate.

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New CE Requirements for Nevada Agents

New Continuing Education (CE) Requirements for Nevada Agents

Licensees whose license expires on or after October 31, 2021 will be required to submit:

36 hours of CE for a Real Estate Salesperson renewal which must include:

  • 3 hours Agency
  • 3 hours Nevada Law
  • 6 hours Contracts
  • 3 hours Ethics
  • 3 hours Risk Reduction
  • 18 hours of any designated areas of CE

36 hours of CE for a Real Estate Broker and Broker Salesperson renewal which must include:

  • 3 hours Agency
  • 3 hours Nevada Law
  • 6 hours Contracts
  • 3 hours Ethics
  • 6 hours Broker Management
  • 3 hours Risk Reduction
  • 12 hours of any designated areas of CE

About ARTI® Academics

ARTI® Academics is the Highest-Rated Real Estate School in Utah and Nevada, and is 100% Free.  The school offers both Pre-Licensing and Continuing Education courses in an online video format to enhance your knowledge and build your real estate skills.

Solid mustard colored tile

New CE Classes: International Clients

International Clients

As a real estate professional working with clients from various backgrounds is an integral skill in today’s market. It is necessary to have an in-depth understanding of various cultures, communities, and backgrounds.  As the premier online real estate school in Utah and Nevada, we are striving to advance real estate professionals with new skills to connect effectively with the global market and consumers. With that being said, the ARTI academics team has created new continuing (CE) education classes on how to work with international clients, how to develop cultural intelligence (CQ), and to truly understand intercultural competence. As an online real estate school, our systems are purposefully designed to help agents and instructors connect and to create an intuitive learning experience. Therefore, our classes are designed in a unique format to be interactive, engaging, and motivational.

Be sure to visit the ARTI academics catalog for upcoming fall classes and follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn.

About ARTI® Academics

ARTI® Academics is the Highest-Rated Real Estate School in Utah and Nevada, and is 100% Free.  The school offers both Pre-Licensing and Continuing Education courses in an online video format to enhance your knowledge and build your real estate skills.

Solid red colored tile

New Trends and Summer Classes

New Trends and Summer Classes

As we are looking ahead and the real estate trends are changing, the ARTI academics team is diligently working on classes that are more applicable to our changing marketing conditions and helping our agents to develop their relationship capital with their clients, communities, and fellow agents. As the premier online real estate school in Utah and Nevada, we are curating new content that is beneficial to our agents and to propel their business forward. Additionally, our classes will include real life scenarios and vignettes. We believe that real life application is conducive to learning. We understand that real estate is continuously evolving, and no two days are the same. With that in mind, we are focusing all our efforts to creating valuable content.
So, you might be wondering what are some of these new and exciting classes?

We are excited to inform you that we are creating classes about overcoming barriers in real estate, problem solving strategies, understanding external factors, and how to adapt to new real estate trends, conditions, and rapidly changing market cycles.

As an online real estate school, our systems are purposefully designed to help agents and instructors connect and to create an intuitive learning experience. Therefore, our classes are designed in a unique format to be interactive, engaging, and motivational.
Be sure to visit the ARTI academics catalog for upcoming summer classes and follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn.

About ARTI® Academics

ARTI® Academics is the Highest-Rated Real Estate School in Utah and Nevada, and is 100% Free.  The school offers both Pre-Licensing and Continuing Education courses in an online video format to enhance your knowledge and build your real estate skills.

Solid dark blue colored tile

Emerging Technology CE Classes

Emerging Technology CE Classes

ARTI academics, Utah and Nevada’s highest rated real estate school, is launching a new initiative to publish continuing education (CE) classes for real estate on emerging technologies. As an online real estate school, we understand that publishing relevant content is critical to advancing our new and established real estate agents. With that being said, what are some of the new tech and tech platform classes? Well, we are publishing classes about Blockchain for real estate, how Bitcoin will impact the real estate transaction process? and the need to understand emerging technologies. Adapting and learning more about new technologies is a critical skill and competency. As a real estate school, we want to deliver content that will help our agents build new skill sets and competencies. Furthermore, we want our agents to utilize the technology platforms that are available to them, such as social media. Social media is an integral part of a business, and social media is a great communication medium for advertising and promoting. We are creating classes about social media and the best practices to advance digital literacy. Stay tuned for new classes, visit our website and review our course catalog. Finally, be sure to create an account with ARTI academics, an online real estate school.

About ARTI® Academics

ARTI® Academics is the Highest-Rated Real Estate School in Utah and Nevada, and is 100% Free.  The school offers both Pre-Licensing and Continuing Education courses in an online video format to enhance your knowledge and build your real estate skills.

Solid red colored tile

ARTI Academics Hosts Real Estate Economic Forecast

Real Estate Economic Forecast

On January 29th ARTI Academics hosted the Real Estate Economic Forecast. Moderated by Dr. Amanda Wickra, Ed.D., Director of Education at ARTI Academics, and featuring keynote speakers Neil Walter, CFA, and Jon Walter, MBA. The event was live broadcasted over Facebook and Zoom. This free public event, sponsored by ERA Brokers, NAI Excel, and NAI Vegas drew an attendance of approximately 500 people.

Neil Walter and Jon Walter provided insight on key trends that are moving commercial and residential markets in Southern Nevada, Southern Utah, and the Wasatch Front. Analysis of the decisions that move real estate prices suggest that in most cases, real estate prices will continue to increase in the near term. Population growth, lower interest rates, housing shortage, increasing construction costs, and additional economic stimulus are significant drivers of current market conditions. Looking to the future, they recommend watching changes in government policies in response to the pandemic, the migration from urban to rural, and new construction.

ERA Brokers, NAI Excel, and NAI Vegas published their annual research reports. The 2021 Residential Review and 2021 Commercial Real Estate Outlook, are publicly available at,, and

To see the slide deck for the presentation, click here: Real Estate Forecast 2021 01 29 PDF.pdf (

To watch the rebroadcast of the presentation, click here:

About ARTI® Academics

ARTI® Academics is the Highest-Rated Real Estate School in Utah and Nevada, and is 100% Free.  The school offers both Pre-Licensing and Continuing Education courses in an online video format to enhance your knowledge and build your real estate skills.